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Project Phases

We cannot complete this project phases without your help. Your donations will help make this dream a reality! See the list of our goals below.

Phase 1

  • Secure the properties*

    *Thanks to a generous donation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the properties have been purchased by our partner in this project, The City of St. George.

Phase 2
(Current Shopping List)

  • Purchase and obtain copyrights to all of Juanita’s writings and Intellectual Property in order to begin reprinting her unavailable works beginning with The Life of George Brooks, Dudley Leavitt - Pioneer to Southern Utah and Frontier Tales

  • Purchase voice recorders, a velo binding machine, microphones and transcription equipment to continue the Short Creek Heritage Project and other projects.

  • Create and print original plot maps of St George and Bunkerville.

  • Collect and preserve artifacts, stories, papers, memories etc.

Phase 3

  • Establish the museum and Dixie House