Join Us
Join our crusade to preserve the history of Juanita Brooks and the surrounding areas she loved.

Do you have something to contribute to the museum and library?
We have three immediate goals as part of phase 2 and we need your help to:
1) Acquire all Juanita's intellectual property under the ownership of the Juanita Brooks Historical Preservation Society.
2) Gather and preserve artifacts, original writings, documents, photographs, stories, personal memories, and histories related to Juanita, George Brooks (1845-1930), Edward Lloyd Parry (1818-1906), and any of the early saints and settlers of St. George.
3) Partner with Utah Tech University in the Short Creek Heritage Project where we will contribute to the the gathering of history in Hildale, UT and Colorado City, AZ.
If you have anything to add to our collection, we would love to hear from you!
Donate Today!
Project Phases
We cannot complete these project phases without your help. Your donations will help make this dream a reality!
Phase 1
Thanks to a generous donation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the properties have been purchased by our partner in this project, the city of St. George.
Phase 2
Purchase or obtain copyrights to all of Juanita’s writings and intellectual property in order to reprint her presently unavailable works.
Collect and preserve artifacts, stories, papers, and memories from those who helped settle Southern Utah, as well as others who have lived in and contributed to the history of this area.
Partner with Utah Tech University in order to Gather, Preserve, and Share the histories of Short Creek in the Short Creek Heritage Project.
Phase 3
Establish the museum and Dixie House